
UpstateNYer, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
“Gantry used in areas not under an overhead crane in shop. Also used for on-site jobs where no crane is available.”
General Electric
“Gantry used to assist with large steam turbine/generator overhauls which includes removing bearings, bearing covers, seals, etc…This frees the large overhead crane for heavy lifts. Really like its portability…following our last turbine overhaul, the gantry was sent to our other plant to assist with their overhaul.”
Public Service of Colorado
“Gantry straddles assembly bay in machinery building. We like its flexibility of adjustment for height and width—rugged construction. Basically, an excellent piece of equipment—we currently have three units.”
Ruesch Machinery Co.
“Gantry used to dismantle and reassemble elevator motors (paid for itself in 2 jobs).”
Schindler Elevator Co.
“The versatility and handling of your gantry is superb! When competing against companies without this tool, our bids reflect the advantages of your gantry. Your personnel have been very helpful—it is a pleasure to deal with a vendor who cares about customer satisfaction.”
Air Conditioning Maintenance
“Gantry is used mainly for changing the heavy steel molds on our 75 ton injection machine. It has cut our time in half and there is no risk of getting hurt in lifting. It’s been a dream…. ”
Anderson Molds & Design Co.
“The gantry rides over a row of five chilling machines. The machines are spaced so closely together that this type of crane does a perfect job for head removal. It’s of excellent quality and design features. Sturdy yet moves with remarkable ease—quick and easy to assemble. We are certainly pleased with this unit and are still surprised at the quality for the cost involved. We estimate that your gantry was 1/5 the cost of anything that would do a comparable job for us.”
Wichita State University
“Gantry used for general purposes in our Maintenance Shop. This is excellent design and good workmanship…we have 3 units. ”
Woolley Tool & Mfg Co
“We hoist pumps and motors out of a swimming pool filter (underground) for replacement or repair. Completely satisfactory – works like a charm.”
Kenosha Towne Club Inc
“Disassembly and reassembly of Nash Vacuum pumps. Now I don’t know how we would ever work without your gantry crane. We love it and have suggested your equipment to many other people since we bought ours.”
Nash Engineering Co
“We use your gantry to overhaul our large electric generator, in so doing we can free our in-house overhead crane for use on steam turbine work going on at the same time. Very well designed.”
Kansas Power & Light
“Your crane is used for removing engines out of trucks, graders, backhoes and loaders. Mainly used for loading and unloading street sanders. Gantry is very maneuverable-can get it to any part of our shop. I would highly recommend this unit for any type of shop.”
City of St. Albert
Alberta, Canada
“The gantry supports and rotates cylinders in the spray paint booth. It moves very well and adjustable height is excellent.”
American Precision Industries
Basco Division
“Gantry used to install compressors and new air conditioning units-like the ease of setting up and transporting. This should be a must around any commercial or industrial air conditioning shop.”
Climate Control Inc.
“Gantry used to span across cooling tower fans to remove fan hubs and gear boxes on top of building. Unit handles loads fine and is very portable.”
University of Texas at Austin
“Gantry used in lifting motors from lift stations in the field. Very safe operation in removing motor and sliding it on to truck. I’ve never seen a safer method to lift a motor 25’ straight up and then slide it on the truck. I commend you on this and your efforts to improve your products’ capability.”
Sanitation Department
Village of Villa Park, IL
“Gantry used for loading trucks and move large (20’ long) fabricated steel rolls in our shop. Overall performance is excellent.”
New Hudson Corp.